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  • Beaumanor

  • Bradgate

    Current House
    Cup Holder

  • Charnwood

The House Structure at Leicester High is a key part of School life. Pupils and staff are allocated to one of three Houses: Beaumanor, Bradgate or Charnwood, when they start at the School and remain part of their Houses throughout their time with us.

The Houses are named after the local landmarks of Beaumanor Hall, Bradgate Park and Charnwood Forest.

The House system encourages a sense of belonging and team spirit amongst pupils in different year groups. Each House has its own House Captain who is a member of the Sixth Form Prefect Team. The House Captain’s take responsibility for the organisation of House events. Points are gained through House events including Sports Day, the House netball competition, House music and expressive arts events and competitions throughout the year. Points can also be gained through behaviour and actions which reflect our core School aims and values and what makes us LHS.  

The House Cup is awarded to the House which has scored the most points during the year. Individual students are also awarded Bronze, Silver or Gold Awards for gaining points.