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Onatti French Theatre Visit

We were very pleased to welcome the Onatti theatre company back into school again last week, with the play "La Maison Hantée" (the haunted house) for all the students studying French.

We had practised a couple of extracts from the play beforehand so were ready to start enjoying the plot. The actors, both native French speakers, were lost on a stormy night and taking shelter in an old house when "un agent de police" warned them not to leave as a "un criminel dangeureux" was on the run. A sequence of hilarious scenes followed, including un fantôme, Krupa (from 8D) and the escaped criminal. At last, Krupa was able to phone for la police and all ended happily. The students were then able to ask lots of questions to the actors about their careers, their languages and where they came from. A thoroughly enjoyable event.


Tagged  Senior School