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Taster Days

Before joining us, many girls come into the School for a 'Taster Day'. This allows your daughter to gain a real feel of the School, through spending a day with us.

Taster Days can take place at any point in your admissions journey, but usually take place after an initial visit to the School. Some families like their daughter to experience a day with us before her Assessment or Entrance Examination has taken place and others prefer to attend a Taster Day once an offer of a place has been received. We are happy to work with you to help to determine which is the best journey for you and your daughter.

Junior Department Taster Sessions

At the start of the School day, you and your daughter will be met by the Head of the Junior Department and the Class Teacher for her year group. Taster Sessions in the Junior Department can range from a couple of hours through to a full School day, depending on the age of your daughter.

Girls will join the relevant class for their Taster Session, taking part in activities and playing with their new friends.

Senior School Taster Days 

On a Taster Day, your daughter will have the opportunity to socialise with others in her year group.At the start of the day, your daughter will be met by our Peer Mentors, who are current Senior School girls in the same year group who will look after her during the day. She will follow the correct Year’s timetable for the day, trying out lessons and making friends.

This will allow your daughter to really experience what being an LHS girl means and can be a helpful step during your decision-making.

Sixth Form Taster Day

Girls joining us into Sixth Form will usually spend some time with their peers in Year 11 and some time with current Year 12 girls, who are studying similar subjects to their A Level interests.

This will allow your daughter to meet with her future classmates and also to experience A Level lessons and life in the Sixth Form.