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Year 9 Students Lead 'Litter Picking'

Students at Leicester High School for Girls in Year 9 have taken the initiative to make a positive impact on their local community through their 'Litter Pick' project.

The 'Litter Pickle' project, undertaken during Form Time, represents the School's commitment to instilling a sense of social responsibility and community engagement in its students. This week, our Year 9 students were hard at work on Moreland Avenue, cleaning up litter and contributing to the cleanliness of our neighbourhood.

Head of Geography, Mrs Karen Haresign, said, “This community project is not only an opportunity for students to give back to the community but also serves as a valuable educational experience. It helps them understand the importance of environmental conservation and how small actions can make a significant difference.”

We are pleased to announce that this dedicated group of students will continue their 'Litter Pick' project for the remainder of this half-term, ensuring that their impact on our community extends beyond just one day. In addition to the 'Litter Pick' project, Leicester High School for Girls also offers an enrichment activity known as 'Wombles,' where students engage in litter picking activities at various times throughout the year.

Leicester High School for Girls is proud of its students' commitment to the 'Litter Pick' project and looks forward to their continued efforts to make Leicester a cleaner and more beautiful place for all residents.

Tagged  Senior School