Sauvez la planète!

At the end of the Summer Term, our more able linguists were set the challenge of creating wall art with a message for the small courtyard outside the Languages Room.
Working alongside Mr Rose and Madame Wheeler in the Art Room, the girls decided on an environmental theme with “Sauvez la planète!” (Save the planet) being the central message. This was combined with images of the iconic Tour Eiffel and the Arc de Triomphe.
Tuesday evenings after School, involved lots of chatter, laughter and Elastoplasts, due to the nature of cutting out templates with craft knives! Ouch!
Last week, in preparation for the Open Day, a freshly cleaned wall awaited, as spray cans were shaken for exactly 2 minutes before the fun began!
The girls used spray paint and masking tape to bring their message to life . Lots of excitement, hard work and imagination went into the project which looks fabulous!
Watch this space for further additions. Watch out Monsieur Banksy!