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English at Leicester High


Years studied: Years 6-9. English Literature and English Language are core subjects which are studied by all pupils at GCSE. English Literature is available as an option at A Level.

Subject overview

English lessons are challenging, fun and highly stimulating. They are designed to instill a love of language and equip girls with the spoken and written communication skills needed to be an articulate and confident young woman in the 21st century. We nurture both creative and analytical skills, encouraging wide and ambitious reading from an early age. Lessons are based on a variety of full-class, individual or small-group activities.

You are actively encouraged to participate in the extra-curricular opportunities provided by the department, including: theatre trips, in-house workshops, film shows, debating and public speaking, as well as entry to various local and national literary competitions.

Course content

  • Non-fiction texts
  • Fiction texts
  • Exploring effects and impact
  • Spoken language
  • Poetry

Exam Board

English Language - AQA 8700

English Literature - AQA 8702


You will develop skills which are transferable both to university study and a wide range of career options where independent thinking, the evaluation and comparison of information, and close analysis of a variety of sources are required.


English Literature is an enjoyable course that provides an opportunity to explore the richness and variety of our great literary heritage in all its forms: novels, poetry and plays, from Chaucer's writing in the mediaeval period to literature published after 2000. An enthusiasm for literature is required, together with a willingness to read widely around the set texts to place them in their cultural and historical contexts and to develop a critical understanding of the ways in which literary texts are interpreted.

A great deal of independent study is necessary to support the detailed work undertaken in lessons.