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Modern Languages at Leicester High

Years studied: Years 6 – 9. French and Spanish are available as options at GCSE and A Level.

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Subject overview

The Modern Languages Department’s ethos is not only to foster academic excellence but also to fill young learners with enthusiasm about the study of Modern Foreign Languages, about the real people who use them, and about their cultures and countries. In Year 6, girls study Italian, in Year 7 French and in Years 8 and 9, both French and Spanish.

Course content

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Writing
  • Reading


Although some linguists will become translators, interpreters or teachers, the majority combine knowledge of a foreign language with other skills. Regarded by employers as both an academic skill and a desirable life skill, the ability to operate in a foreign language is highly sought after in all careers and will set a candidate above her peers. It will open doors to travel, employment and enjoyment in a multi-cultural world.