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Religious Studies GCSE

Eduqas Specification Code C120P3 (Route A)

Why Study Religious Studies?

Religious Studies is a valuable and worthwhile course of study, even if you are not religious yourself. You will learn about four contemporary philosophical and ethical themes and the beliefs, teachings and practices in two religions. You will be challenged with questions about belief, values, meaning, purpose and truth, which will enable you to develop your own attitudes towards religious issues. You will also gain an appreciation of how religion, philosophy and ethics form the basis of our culture. You will develop analytical and critical thinking skills, the ability to work with abstract ideas, leadership and research skills. All of these skills will help to prepare you for further study and endow you with the innovative and logical thinking skills which are valued in many professions.




You Will Study

Component 1: Religious, philosophical and ethical studies in the modern world.

Theme 1:  Issues of relationships - Marriage, family life, same-sex relationships, divorce, gender equality and contraception.

Theme 2:  Issues of life and death – The sanctity of life, abortion, euthanasia, the origins of life, attitudes towards animals and the environment, beliefs about life after death and the conflict between religion and science.

Theme 3:  Issues of good and evil – Crime, punishment, suffering, forgiveness and the problem of evil.

Theme 4: Issues of human rights – Censorship, religious extremism, racism and treatment of the poor.

Component 2: Study of Christianity.

Beliefs and teachings - Key beliefs, Jesus Christ and salvation.

Practices – Worship and festivals: The role of the church in the local and worldwide community.

Component 3: Study of a world faith: Islam.

Beliefs and teachings-Key beliefs: The nature of God, prophethood and judgement.

Practices – Worship and festivals: The mosque and the five pillars.


The course is assessed externally by examination only. There is only one level of entry. Internal assessment will be through homework tasks and tests. Examination: Three examinations at the end of Year 11. Component 1 = 2 hour written exam 50%, Component 2 = 1 hour written exam 25%, Component 3 = I hour written exam 25%.