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LHS Stories


Sophie joined the school in foundation class


Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

what is your favourite thing about lhs?

My favourite thing about Leicester High is how nice everyone is. Everyone is very thoughtful, students and teachers. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a new school. 


what would you tell a new girl starting lhs?

I would tell a new girl that if she works hard and is kind to everyone, she would have a life changing experience at LHS. 


what do you think makes lhs different?

What makes Leicester High so different is how much care the staff put into everything that they do. Go LHS! 


what has been your favourite moment at lhs so far?

My number one favourite moment at LHS was the day I started in foundation. It is one of my earliest memories. Everything looked so big and grand to me. I will never forget that day, ever!