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Senior School

How to Apply – Senior School

Step 1: Visit Us

We usually have Open Days at set dates during the year but you are welcome to arrange a personal visit outside of these times – either instead of, or in addition to, attending an Open Day.

You are welcome to visit us as many times as you need and your daughter is welcome to visit with you. Your daughter will also be invited to attend a Taster Day where she will spend time in lessons with her future classmates. A Taster Day can take place before you have applied or once you have been offered a place – whichever suits you and your decision-making process.

Step 2: Register

Once you have decided that you would like to progress with an application, you need to register your daughter for an Entrance Examination. Our Entrance Exam date for 2024 entry is Thursday 11 January 2024. If you wish to be considered for the Headmaster’s Scholarships for entry into Year 7 your daughter will need to attend on that day. However, we also assess girls at other points during the year and will be able to advise on the best date when you contact us.

To register for the Entrance Examination, you will need to complete a registration form and return it to the School with an £100 registration fee. We will also need to take a copy of your daughter’s passport and birth certificate.

Registration does not guarantee your daughter a place at the School, nor does it commit you to joining us. It simply means you would like your daughter to sit the examination. However, although there is no deadline for registering, classes do get full and offers are made on a first come, first served basis. Therefore, we encourage you to register as soon as you feel the School is right for you and your daughter.

Step 3: Assessment and Examination

The main Entrance Examination for Years 6 – 10 takes place in January and lasts around 2 hours. The Examination is set at a level appropriate to the age of entry. However, all the Examinations follow the same format:

  • An online exam is administered at the School for the Maths and English (verbal and non-verbal) reasoning sections.
  • There is also a creative writing piece which is not part of the online assessment.

Results for the main Entrance Examination are typically available within two weeks of the examination date.

In addition, there may be ad-hoc entrance exams held throughout the year, and results for these exams are usually communicated to parents within one week.

If your daughter is offered a place, you will be issued a Parent Contract to sign and return, along with your £250 deposit to secure your daughter's place at the School. 

Step 4: Induction Day

When a new girl is due to join us in September, they will be invited to attend an Induction Day, usually in the June before. This is an opportunity for you to get to know the staff, the School and each other before School starts.