The Real Game Day

Last week the Year 9 girls had a day off timetable to take part in an amazing game of careers exploration. By completing various classroom activities they learnt about many of the aspects of real life that they will face as adults including budgeting, job satisfaction and planning for the future.
The girls enthusiastically used a dream cloud to choose their wish list for accommodation, transport and leisure items. They were then randomly allocated an occupational role as a young single adult reflecting a range of salary, educational levels and work styles. Many were brought back to reality when they completed their budget and realised that their outgoings were higher than their income.
The final task of planning a holiday within their budgets enabled students to demonstrate their teamwork, decision-making, budgeting, time management , problem-solving and communication skills. They presented their deals and destinations to the class in the form of creative posters. ๐๏ธ๐จ๐กWinners were Kitaly’s holiday to Turkey, with Starbee’s plans for Greece a close second.
So, whether they were a future doctor, engineer, artist, or farm worker, they learned that with a little planning and creativity, they could have an incredible holiday on a budget. ๐๐ผ It's all about finding the perfect balance between experiencing the world and being financially responsible. ๐ธ