Leicester High School Marks European Languages Day with Bake-Off Event

In celebration of European Day of Languages, Leicester High School for Girls' Language Department organised a Bake-Off.
In total, there were 45 entries, each baked by talented student bakers, and inspired by the language and culture of a different country. Notable cakes included a Black Forest Gateau, representing Germany, Magdalenas, a nod to Spain's culinary traditions and a delicious Gâteau au yaourt as the French offering.
The panel of judges for the event included, Head of French, Madame Watkiss, Head of Catering, Chef James and Head of Food Studies, Mrs Whalley. The judges evaluated each entry for taste and cultural authenticity and awarded three top prizes, to be announced in next week’s assembly.
Madame Watkiss said, “It was lovely to see so many pupils take part. The quality this year was amazing, with several pupils showing off their creative skills. Thank you to our parents, pupils and staff for their support!”
The delicious cakes from the event will be sold to pupils and staff during tomorrow's break with proceeds from the sale contributing to the School’s charitable initiatives, supporting causes that make a positive impact in the community.