Leicester Lockdown

We will officially close Leicester High School to all students except for those of Key workers, from the end of the School day on Wednesday 1 July 2020 at 3.30 pm.
As you will now be aware, the Secretary for Health, Matt Hancock, announced last night that lockdown procedures have been reinstated for the city of Leicester and the surrounding areas, including Oadby. These restrictions apply to all schools in the stipulated areas, including Leicester High. Unfortunately, this means that we have no choice but officially to close the School to all students except for those of Key workers, from the end of the School day tomorrow (Wednesday 1 July 2020) at 3.30 pm.
As you might imagine, we are hugely disappointed that we are unable to remain open until the end of term. However, I would like to reassure you that our robust programme of remote teaching and learning will continue until 12 noon on Wednesday 8 July.
From 8 July, the School will be officially closed to all students. However, Rattle & Roll, a summer club provider, are currently planning to offer their services, once again, during the summer holidays, depending on parental demand.
Although this is not the way we wanted to end the term, I would like to say how proud I am of the whole School community. Students and staff have responded quite magnificently to what has been a challenging and difficult term. Our close-knit family has supported one another throughout the pandemic, and I remain very grateful to our parents for their enthusiastic advocacy of the School.
I’m sure Years 7, 8 and 9 will be especially disappointed by the decision of the Government. The activities that were scheduled to take place in School will now be actioned remotely.
We continue to work towards the full opening of School from September, whilst meticulously following the advice of the Government and Public Health England.