Jubilee Celebration Plans Monday 6 June

Our Jubilee Celebrations will take place on the afternoon of Monday 6 June.
Non-uniform - Red, white and blue non-uniform for a £1 donation to the Sixth Form charities (Juniors and Seniors).
Street Party Lunch (Whole School) - Please supply your daughter (SENIORS ONLY) with food for our street party lunch. Juniors will have lunch provided.
Senior Jubilee Stalls (Senior girls Only) - In the tennis courts. Raising money for the Sixth Form charities so please bring some change.
Paddington at the Palace (Year 6 and Parents Only) 2.00pm - Year 6 parents are invited to see your daughter perform Paddington at the Palace in the Drama Studio. Please park off site.
Junior Jubilee Jamboree (Junior girls and Parents Only) 2.30pm - Junior parents are invited to see your daughter perform in the Senior Gym. Please park off site.
Junior Jubilee Fete (Junior girls and Parents Only) - Junior parents are invited to join your daughter at our traditional Jubilee Fete.
We are looking forward to what should be a fantastic day! #WeAreExcited #WeAreLHS