Science Week at LHS

Leicester High School celebrated British Science Week with a number of events throughout the week.
Here you can see the students watching a ‘Coke Fountain’. This is a common demonstration where Mentos are dropped into a bottle of Coke. The resulting reaction produces the fountain.
We looked at the differences between Diet Coke, full sugar Coke and various types of Pepsi to see which brand produced the best fountain.
It is interesting that there is much debate on why we get this type of reaction; many chemists suggest it is due to the micro-structure on the surface of the Mentos.
Making Slime was probably the most popular event of the week. We had prepared 100 tubs for the slime, and we ran out!
Here we can see some of our Year 12 scientists helping younger students to build molecule models. This year during Science Week we asked our Year 12 students to help out – and they were fantastic. Thank you to all who took part.
As part of Science Week, our Chemistry Department ran a Cosmetic Chemistry event for students and their Parents. During the evening, Parents and Daughter were able to make their own bath bombs and scented candles.
No Science Week is complete without the stick insects.