Back to School!

Dear Parents
Year of Opportunities
Given the unprecedented circumstances of the last two years, it has been truly inspiring to welcome both students and members of staff back to School. The LHS community is, once again, alive, vibrant and populated with eager and engaged students and staff. I would like to reassure you that we continue to adhere to Government guidance to ensure the safety of every member of our community. Our Risk Assessment, which has been approved by Governors, is on the School website, and will be up-dated on a regular basis to reflect current Government guidance. As always, I will endeavour to keep all parents fully informed throughout the academic year.
We begin this term celebrating another bumper year of public examination results. GCSE results were outstanding, recording a 100% pass-rate, with 81% of entries achieving levels 9 to 7 (or A* to A in the old currency). The A Level results were equally impressive, with 100% of the entries achieving A* to C; indeed, 77% of all grades were A* and A. Armed with excellent A Levels, the Year 13 girls are moving to the universities of their choice. Congratulations must go to both the girls and their teachers for all their hard work and commitment. Well done to all!
Whilst we remain uncertain about what the coming year will bring, our dedicated colleagues will continue to support our students in every possible way, and prepare them fully for next year’s assessments, in whatever format they may take.
Staff News
I am delighted to introduce to you our new members of the teaching staff who have joined the High School Community:
Name |
Position |
Mrs Karen Greenwood |
Teacher in charge of Chemistry |
Mr Darren Ingram |
Head of Philosophy and Belief |
Mrs Kalpa Madlani |
Head of Computing |
Mr Andrew McMurray |
Head of Science |
Mrs Trish Parrans-Smith |
Head of Music |
Mr John Partridge |
Deputy Head |
Dr Nina Taylor |
Teacher of English |
Uniform and Dress Code
At the beginning of a new academic year, may I ask for your continued support in raising and maintaining the highest possible standards in School uniform and the Sixth Form Dress Code. I expect the girls to be smart and appropriately dressed for school and fully compliant with School rules, including Sixth Formers.
Year of Opportunities
I have decided to name this academic year: the year of opportunities. I am encouraging students and staff to embrace this philosophy in both attitude and application. I do hope that you will support me in this, as we strive to provide your daughters with the highest possible standard of education. As teachers, we encourage our students to work towards excellence in all areas of life, in particular School life, as we prepare them for Sixth Form, university and beyond.
This year we launch our newly developed Vision for Leicester High School. I am very proud of this ‘blue print’ for the School. I have liaised with every member of staff, several parents in all year groups as well as external bodies in creating this crucial document. The Vision is on the School website and I encourage you to take a look. The Mission Statement encapsulates what we are working to achieve on a daily basis: To provide an exceptional and boutique all-round education which will prepare our students for happy and fulfilling lives, and, therefore, during their years with us creating memories that will last a life-time.
Pastoral Support
The pastoral care of your daughters is of paramount concern to us: a happy student is a successful student. For your information, please see the Pastoral Team below:
Year Group |
Member of Staff |
Head of Years 6 & 7 |
Mrs Kate McCarthy |
Head of Years 8 & 9 With an over-view of KS3 |
Mrs Deborah Morgan |
Head of Years 10 & 11 |
Mrs Jo Rose |
Head of Years 12 & 13 |
Miss Kam Purewal |
As we begin a new academic year, may I also remind parents to continue to drive and park with due consideration for those who live around the school. We very much rely on the goodwill and support of our neighbours. This is especially important when vehicle access to the School site is limited, and parents will be dropping off and collecting pupils from the immediate side streets. Please may I remind you that drop off and collection arrangements are on the School website:
May I remind you that if your personal details have recently changed (address, email address, telephone number), please inform our Reception by emailing the School:
The School’s Open Day is on Saturday 9 October 2021. Please do encourage your friends and family to visit us and to see for themselves what is unique and special about our community.
I look forward to working with you and your daughters in what I hope will be a purposeful, exciting and collaborative academic year: a year of opportunities.
With every good wish,
Yours sincerely
Alan Whelpdale